Perfact Academy

As an all-round knowledge organisation, we apply knowledge in the broadest sense of the word. We have even set up an Academy for this to ensure that our colleagues and clients develop.


We invest in the professional knowledge of our colleagues. So that you continue to develop yourself cognitively and grow in the knowledge you possess. Enriching this knowledge translates to our clients. By deploying you as a consultant with the knowledge you possess, you make the difference. You ensure that the client achieves more sustainable results with added value.

Lean Six Sigma is one of the drivers within our organisation. It is a globally proven methodology for the sustainable and demonstrable improvement of processes and organisations. It offers an approach that allows organisations to achieve concrete results in a structured way via certain methods in order to continuously improve. Something we strive for every day.

We offer various lean training courses, which vary in level. Every colleague gets the opportunity to develop in this field. Everyone starts with an introductory training and can progress to the highest level (black belt) as required.

In addition to our lean training courses, we also offer training in project management (PMI), scheduling and work preparation, as required.

 “I was offered the opportunity to obtain a PMP certificate during a bootcamp. A highly regarded certificate that indicates being highly skilled in project management and possessing that knowledge. A great opportunity that I grabbed with both hands. I already apply the right techniques in much of my daily work, but I have also learned new techniques and especially gained knowledge in ‘agile’ working. An enrichment that I can now apply more and more within my work”.

– Thomas Moers, Project Manager at Perfact

Personal development

Professional knowledge is important and essential to perform certain jobs. But nowadays, it is just as important to have so-called ‘soft skills’. Especially if you want to make a certain step in your career. We think it is important that you are supported in the goals you have in mind. Therefore, together we draw up a personal development plan and work on any soft skills needed to achieve your goals.

We have the luxury of our own human development department. Our ‘in-house’ coaches, Jean and Karina, will guide you through the process.

“After my studies, I gained several years of work experience, while also taking some training courses to keep my knowledge up-to-date. I felt I had more up my sleeve and wanted to move up to a management position. Eventually, it turned out that I needed to develop further in the areas of leadership and communication and I am now Project Manager at an international organisation.”

– Patrick Beuken, colleague at Perfact

Knowledge sharing

Sharing is caring; we see this saying coming by regularly. But, we are convinced of this. We like to share the knowledge we possess. We like it when this happens proactively on the shop floor and are willing to help others. Because together you achieve more.

We regularly organise knowledge sessions in which colleagues exchange ideas and share experiences on a particular subject. We also always look at developments and trends within a certain field in order to stay up-to-date. In this way we keep each other sharp but also Perfact as an organisation. These knowledge sessions result in development opportunities for Perfact or innovative ideas. For example in the field of sustainability.

Colleagues do not only share knowledge between eachother, but we work intensively with schools and universities. This is how we invest in the professionals of the future and contribute to narrowing the gap between schools and industry. With ‘Zuyd Hogeschool’, we have been providing guest lectures for part-time technical courses for several years. At several universities in Germany, we regularly give guest lectures on a particular subject matter.

“We have committed to the guest lectures at ‘Zuyd Hogeschool’ of Applied Sciences to provide students with more knowledge and skills. This strong foundation benefits the business community, but also the student him or herself. A win-win situation. Besides, it is also fun to transfer your knowledge and get to know and guide the students”

– Pascal van Bun, Project Leader at Perfact and 1 of the guest lecturers

Make the difference.